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Crimes do not protect the image of the Prophet

12/1/2015 It shocks me that terrorists pretend they are defending the image of prophet Mohamed by killing and terrorizing in the most brutal ways. To all those who share their ideology I have a very clear message: the Prophet is not in need of your actions and your crimes to protect his image.


No Fear when Combating Terrorism

10/3/2015 What solution is there for confronting the tactics of terrorism? We must be honest with ourselves and admit that we need both public consent and state support. We must enthusiastically back the upholding of strict laws. We cannot allow fear or hesitation to stand in the way. In the same way, we must honor...


The Difference between the First and Second Egypt – Yemen wars

24/4/2015 When Egypt entered Yemen in the sixties, it was in response to a public demand to displace Imam Ahmad’s regime, a backwards regime, so they claimed. Egypt’s situation then was very different from that of today. Today Egypt is part of a coalition force. In the previous war, during Abdel Nasser’s era, Saudi Arabia...


André Azoulay – Moroccan Jew, Lawyer and Advocate for the Palestinian Cause

25/5/2015 Every Arab reader should know the story of André Azoulay to protect himself from the dangers and injustices of stereotyping. It is common to hear assumptions made about “all Jews”, especially as concerns Palestine. The reality is there are Jews who objectively seek the truth and fully support the Palestinian cause. During my life,...


Destructive Government Bureaucracy

Al Bawaba, 6/6/2015 In my opinion, even if the president and prime minister work around the clock, day and night, it will never be sufficient. Their main obstacle will always be the bureaucracy that hinders advancement, and with all due respect, a “soft” government. The government has a very lax attitude when it comes to taking...


The world is on your side: what remains is for you to cooperate

Al Bawaba, 2/10/2015 Now that we have seen how the world came round to our side after a period of indifference and maneuvers, it remains for us to address a very pressing issue, our social and economic situation. Let me tell you that our society lacks the spirit of cooperation and collaborative productive work. It also...


Our UN Security Council Victory: Historical Continuity

Al Masry El Yom, 30/10/2015 On October 15, Egypt was elected as a two-year non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. This international accomplishment brings back memories of other Egyptian achievements in the field. Let us not forget that when human rights standards were defined by the United Nations on 10 December 1948 in Paris,...


Condolences to the French People

The International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC), over which I preside, and our members, express great sadness concerning the unacceptable aggression against France and its people. We at ADIC, in the name of our organization’s principles, strongly condemn those crimes and convey deep condolences to the French people.


Coalition determined to strike ISIS

The coalition of the US, France, and the UK is determined to strike at ISIS forces on the Syrian borders, as well as at the oil resources ISIS is using for income. It seems that this time the coalition forces have the will to deal ferocious and painful blows to ISIS in order to protect...


At last the West admitted we are right

For more than a year now, many western nations claimed that Mohamed Morsy was ousted by a military coup. This campaign was spearheaded by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. The Republican candidate for the US presidential elections, Donald Trump, was undoubtedly right, severely attacking Ms. Clinton in his speech last week in...