Author: Aly El-Samman

Home / Aly El-Samman

After al-Assad, what then?

8/9/2012 The Syrian revolution and Al Assad’s potential fall is part of the same scenario that was repeated in many Arab countries, which the West romanticizes and idealizes by calling the “Arab Spring”. Months passed and regimes fell, but in most Arab countries, Libya in particular, the results have been regional and sectarian divisions, conflicts,...


The voice of the court is second to none

17/7/2012 There is a campaign underway serving the political interests of a certain group, that is a retaliation against the Supreme Constitutional Court because of its decision to dissolve the People’s Assembly. This decision was rendered legally through reasoning respected by most jurists. As citizens, something that concerns us deeply about such politically-motivated conflicts are...


The first anniversary of the attack on a police station at Al-Arish

31/7/2012 A year has passed since gunmen attacked a police station in El-Arish. Those criminals, who belong to Islamic extremist groups, abuse Islam and are an affront to the religion of peace and tolerance. In the early days of the January 25th Revolution, prisoners fled to Sinai after the attacks on police stations and jails...


A tribute to those who liberated Tahrir Square 

29/9/2012 It is now evident that those who participated in the irresponsible demonstrations over the past few days have nothing to do with defending Prophet Mohamed (PBUH). There is abundant proof that most of them were thugs and mercenaries paid to vandalize! In a recent article, I appealed to the Minister of Interior, General Ahmed...


No choice between conflicting camps

24/11/2012 I have spent my life praying to God that I might be the one to bring people together and not the one who divides them. I have chosen a path of dialogue to avoid clashes and conflicts such as those we have seen in recent days. These clashes and conflicts are driving the nation...


Rules of dialogue

27/11/2012 The rules of dialogue apply to everyone. On the one hand, Morsi, prior to issuing a package of resolutions and a new constitutional declaration, should have met with respected elders of the nation to discuss his reasoning. On the other hand, when Morsi invited political leaders to discuss these important matters, they should not have...


Who does Hazem Abu Ismail think he is?

24/12/2012 Yet another topic that has intensified public anger is seeing Hazem Abu Ismail’s supporters attacking Egypt’s Media Production City and terrorizing members of the media who oppose the regime. Who is Hazem Abu Ismail to allow himself and his supporters to attack the headquarters and the newspaper offices of al-Wafd Party? Who is Hazem...


Why I said no to the constitution

24/12/2012 I read the new constitution first as an ordinary citizen and then as a lawyer. In particular, I was looking for anything that might affect the independence of the judiciary, for if we are to protect citizen rights and punish criminals, the protection of our judiciary is key. I do not claim to have...


No place in our country for Palestinian aggressors

2/1/2013 Egyptians tend to jumble the papers when they examine the Palestinian file, so we must take care to distinguish between the Palestinian cause and certain Palestinians individuals. No one can deny the major role that Egypt has played in supporting the Palestinian struggle for justice and equality. For more than 64 years, Egypt made...


Let 25 January be a day of national reconciliation

22/1/2013 As the second anniversary of the January 25 Revolution approaches, a lot of people expect demonstrations by opposition parties who reject the legitimacy of the government. Many anticipate clashes between supporters of the opposition and supporters of the current regime. God only knows what will be the extent and the results of this. I...