Jointly organized by the “Institut des hautes etudes de defense nationale” and the association “Pour la Fondation France-Egypte”, this meeting, under the patronage and in presence of H.E. Boutros Boutros Ghali , United Nations former secretary and H.E. Ehab Badawi, Egyptian ambassador in France, aimed to examine the different axes of development of Egypt and the relationship between France and Egypt.
Jean-Noel Chevreau, first delegate of the 28th national session of the “Institut des hautes etudes de defense nationale” opened the session and gave the speakers an opportunity to express themselves.
Dr. Aly El Samman president of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC) focused on “Egypt – a new era through new governance”.
Mounir Ghabbour, businessman, gave a speech about “What are the new economic strategies for Egypt”.
Yves Charvin, teacher and auditor for the 46th national session of the “Institut des hautes etudes de defense nationale” encouraged all present to express themselves and engage in an animated debate.
To conclude, Dr Albert Tanios , president of the association “Pour la Fondation France-Egypte”, gave a comprehensive synthesis of the issues addressed during the session.
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