October victory… relishing the memory


The banned Muslim Brotherhood now wants to liberate Tahrir Square. MB members, in their deranged fanaticism, see this square, with its immense symbolism, as an enemy-occupied territory that must be reclaimed.

To make matters worse, MB members are now insulting the great army of Egypt, this the army that ended the myth of Israeli invincibility. The Egyptian army fought a successful war of attrition under Nasser. Then, under Sadat, it fought a great battle that paved the way to negotiations resulting in the restoration of Sinai, the very piece of land that the MB practically handed over to the operatives of al-Qaeda and Hamas, who proceeded to wreak havoc on it, killing in cold blood security staff stationed there to protect the borders.

Treason is the only way to describe the actions of those who ruled us, when they restrained the army, preventing it from confronting the terrorism that loomed large over Sinai, and banning it from destroying the Gaza tunnels that that were used by an unholy cabal of smugglers and murderers. Former General Intelligence chief, Mourad Mowafy, found out about the conspiracy the MB was involved in, and was removed of his post as a result.

The ideals of the 1973 war heroes stand in sharp contrast to the treason of our deposed rulers. So today we celebrate the October victory twice, first because of the military accomplishment that it represents, and second because we have triumphed over ignorance and terror.

Translated from Al Yom 7

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