Interview with Dr Ali El-Samman 

by Rania Badawi for Al Masry Al Youm

Aly El-Samman: Qatar funds the bombings in Egypt with U.S. support

Dr. Ali El=Samman, President of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC), said that Qatar is the main financier and supporter of terrorism in Egypt, adding that the recent wave of bombings is but a sign of Al-Qaeda’s defeat in Sinai at the hands of the Egyptian armed forces. During his year in office, President Mohamed Morsi turned the country into a haven for terrorists, according to El-Samman.

El-Samman: It has become clear that there is no difference between the Brotherhood and their allies, the jihadists and those linked to al-Qaida. They may have different methods, but they share the same goal. Al-Qaida is taking care of the implementation, the MB of the home front, and the MB’s International Outfit is handling the external aspects.

■ Do you see signs that inadequate intelligence is to blame for the proliferation of such groups?

El-Samman: Not at all, there is cooperation between all security and intelligence agencies. The General Intelligence Service (GIS) provides other government departments with the necessary information to support their plans. Without such cooperation, the government could not take effective action against terrorists and enemies of the country.

The intelligence that the GIS gathers about these groups is what allows the government to strike at their hideouts, particularly in central Sinai. The GIS is also at work to uncover the links between al-Qaida and other jihadists who are intent on sabotaging this country.

Translated from Al Masry Al Youm

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