National reconciliation


It would be great if President Mohamed Morsy makes good on his promises to extend a hand to everyone, without exception, and to make sure that vengefulness is a thing of the past for it is not in the country’s best interests. This would include approaching all those who have experience and take benefit from their exceptional skills.

I would encourage him to take a moment to evaluate the pros and cons of those who worked for the former regime. Say, for example, to look into the case of former Minister Rachid Mohamed Rachid, whose creative ideas could help boost foreign trade and exports. There is also the case of former Minister Ahmed El-Maghrabi, whose experience in housing is exceptional, and whose past business experience in exporting high quality vegetables and fruit is remarkable. And why not examine the policies of Yousef Boutros-Ghali, which kept our Central Bank reserves in good shape in the years preceding the revolution? We also need to look carefully into the privatization dossier and judge it on merit.

I believe that the one man most capable of handling the “National Reconciliation” dossier is Eng. Khairat El Shater. And while we’re on the subject of national reconciliation and fairness, can we also pose this question: Is it really possible that someone like Fathi Surour, one of our top legal experts, is responsible for the Battle of the Camel?”

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