Cairo (6/6/2010) Dr. Ali El-Samman, secretary general of the Association for Economic Information “Europe-Egypt”, presented the study, “Egypt: A Rising Star in Global ICT Innovation and Entrepreneurship to the minister of communications and information technology, Dr. Tarek Kamel. Also present were Dr. Tarek El-Saadany, director of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s (MCIT) new Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center; Nermine El-Saadany, director of international relations, MCIT; and Victoria Harper, the American expert who produced the study for the Association “Europe-Egypt”.
Innovation and entrepreneurship in ICT is an important new area for MCIT. Since Egypt is firmly established as one of the top ten leading IT outsourcing destinations, the country is now supporting high value-added innovation for the ICT sector. The ministry will use the study during its upcoming mission to the US.
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